About us

Who we are & our mission

About us

Our Story

Founder and CEO: Maggie Phillips

An entrepreneur who has much experience operating a business and stands as a successful real estate and micro-business investor.

Contact: maggie@dreamssuncoast.com || +34 604 447 886

Our Mission & Work Process

Sun Coast Dreams is a company that specialises in real estate and investments; not only in purchasing and investing in properties but aiding foreign investors from various countries to find quality properties to invest in.
Our largest clients range from China, extending all the way to the United States.
Our second objective is to serve as a reliable platform for people to find properties to live in, whether long-term or short-term, and discover that "home away from home".
Our third objective is one that we feel obligated to have as entrepreneurs, the feeling of giving back to society; therefore we have implemented a program in which we act as a stepping stone for young people to obtain the opportunity in improving their futures.
We help bring kids from different nations to Spain who desires to further explore their academic or athletic prowess.